Ten Natural Ways to Increase Serotonin Without Taking Medicine

You may be able to raise your serotonin levels without taking medication by changing your diet, going outside, and doing other things.A neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, serotonin is involved in a number of bodily functions, including mood regulation and facilitating easy digestion.

It is renowned for:

enhancing sleep quality through the regulation of circadian rhythms; regulating hunger; aiding in memory and learning; encouraging positive emotions and prosocial behavior
There is disagreement among researchers about whether serotonin levels and mental health issues like depression are related.Previous studies suggested that low serotonin levels might be the reason, but more recent studies have not supported this theory. More research is still needed, but it appears likely that your environment, genetics, and brain chemicals all contribute to their development.

Continue reading to find out how to raise serotonin levels naturally and how to treat mood disorders like depression.

1. Modify your diet
Food cannot directly produce serotonin, but it can provide tryptophan, an amino acid that your brain uses to produce serotoninTrusted Source. The main sources of tryptophan are foods high in protein, such as tofu, salmon, and turkey.However, because of a phenomenon known as the blood-brain barrier, it is not as easy as eating foods high in tryptophan. What enters and exits your brain is regulated by this protective covering surrounding it.In summary, foods high in tryptophan also tend to contain higher levels of other amino acids. These other amino acids are more likely than tryptophan to pass through the blood-brain barrier due to their greater abundance.

2. Increase your physical activity
Your blood begins to release tryptophan when you exercise. It may also result in a reduction of other amino acids. More tryptophan can enter your brain in this way because it creates the perfect environment.Take a dance class or get out your old roller skates; aerobic exercise at a level that you are comfortable with seems to have positive effects. Raising your heart rate is the aim.

Other beneficial aerobic activities consist of:cycling and swimming
brisk, strolling, running and light hiking

3. Turn on the bright lights.
Serotonin levels tend to be higher in the summer and fall and lower after winter, according to research. The effect of serotonin on mood provides evidence for a connection between this discovery and the incidence of seasonal affective disorder and other seasonal mental health issues.It seems that exposure to sunlight raises serotonin levels, and studies investigating this theory indicate that serotonin may be synthesized by your skinTrusted Source.In order to optimize these possible advantages, try to:

Every day, spend at least ten to fifteen minutes outside.
Exerting yourself outside can enhance the serotonin surge that results from physical activity.
If you plan to be outside for more than fifteen minutes, don’t forget to wear sunscreen.
You can still raise serotonin levels with bright light exposure from a light therapy box if you have a high risk of skin cancer, live in a rainy climate, or find it difficult to get outside.See a mental health professional before using a light therapy box if you have bipolar disorder. For some, using one improperly or for an extended period of time has resulted in Trusted Source mania.It has also been demonstrated that time spent in nature increases serotonin. One brief investigation53 subjects from a reliable source examined the

More: Healthline

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