RBC: Boarding students were given free Mosquito Net

RBC has provided free mosquito nets to all students studying in the government Schools and private ones after realizing that they are among the most vulnerable to Malaria in the country.

RBC says it has issued 236,522 mosquito nets, which was given to 480 schools across the country that host students in boarding. RBC provided those mosquito nets from December 2022 to December 2023. RBC says that students who spend night while studying, security guards, fishermen and those who use to drinks in ‘Akabari’ are the most to be affected by Malaria more than others due to the fact that they are not at home.

Some of the factors that have reduced the problem of Malaria include includes; Sleeping in a mosquito net, spraying insecticide, closing some holes and cutting grasses around the houses. This has prevented the population from almost 5 million people who were caught from Malaria since 2018 to 600 thousand people who were diagnosed with it in 2023. Epaphrodite Habanabakize, ensures that they solve the problem of children who used to carry their own mosquito nets from their homes that’s put the rest at risk.

In GS St Joseph Kabgayi School in Muhanga District, they testified that ‘Inzitirambu’ helped them to fight Malaria in a strong way so that during the term Malaria patients did not reach 5 out of 800 students in total.This confirmed by Frere Innocent Akimana and and Ndibwami Ntwali Landry, a student at GS St Joseph Kabgayi.

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